Let me guess what is missing in your life. Nothing. Am I correct? I mean, really, nothing is missing.
Your life is full. Your inbox is full of unread emails. Your calendar is full of deadlines. Your belly is full of your favorite food. Your mind is filled with your own thoughts and the thoughts of others. Your desk, your laundry basket and even your kitchen sink are full.
How do you start your day? You can be honest here. No one is listening.
Do you open your computer?
Check your notifications on social media?
Do you turn on your radio or television?
Do you listen to your voice messages?
Do you jump on a freeway with a hundred thousand other cars?
And you wonder why every day feels like the day before?
You wish you had achieved more and worse,
you didn’t get as much enjoyment from your day as you wanted to.
Werner Erhard said:
One creates from nothing. If you try to create from something you’re just changing something. So in order to create something you first have to be able to create nothing.
Gotta love that.
Are you here to create something original?
Are you creating stuff from other stuff, or are you creating something unique, right from the start, from scratch – from nothing?
You know – those moments that make you feel like you turned into the big bang.
Those bright, bursting creations are most likely the reason why you are here on the planet.
Your unique contribution can only be found in nothing. Do you know why?
Because no one else has access to that particular place of nothing – except you.
That’s right.
This place belongs only to you and is home to your own personal blueprint.
This blueprint holds the key to your purpose, your well-being and your success.
No masks, veils or pretense are allowed here.
All the belief systems and conditionings are checked at the door.
Imagine having a business that is a pure reflection of your genius.
Imagine feeling centered, clear and connected throughout the day.
Imagine knowing exactly what to do and when to do it.
Imagine having more blank space – room for new ideas and fresh outside the box thoughts?
This place is you in your most pure, authentic form.
This is the place I invite you to access. Daily.
And this is the reason why I have created The Daily Nothing.
And you are invited ...
Two pre-recorded mini sessions to prepare for the journey.
Daily 5–10 minute audio activations/meditation prompts straight to your email inbox. Listen to a sample session here.
A space where you get to quiet your mind chatter so you can hear the voice of your true self – your intuition.
When you take your next step from a place of clarity instead of overwhelm, you become more productive. You harness your inner power. You make bold moves.
This program lasts for 30 days. Each daily audio is delivered straight to your email inbox.
You will learn basic energy management and meditation tools that will help you cultivate your direct access to "nothing".
No complicated formulas, no worksheets. Just your Presence.
The idea is that you will trust your own ability to enter and be in the void. And listen.
You will have a chance to craft your unique masterpiece during the 30 days, depending on the visions and guidance you receive internally. This masterpiece can be a new idea or a better, more aligned version of your already existing idea. Or something totally different. Like a relationship? A move to a new country? An unexpected insight that holds the key to your personal renaissance?
Strong intention equals strong results. You'll have a chance to get clear about your intention before you start your "vision quest".
No previous experience in meditation required.
Increase Alpha and Theta production, associated with calm and focused attention and creativity
Reduce stress
Reduce repetitive, negative thinking
Increase attention span
Better sleep – more focus during the day
Increase confidence
Increase energy levels
Live a life that is in alignment with your authentic Self
Make bolder moves than you normally would
See the "unseen" – receive information and ideas directly from your intuition
End the busywork and focus on things that move the needle
Create from clarity, not from overwhelm
Approach your life from "being" instead of "trying to make things happen"
Make big decisions without losing your ground
Run a business and not have your business run you!
Turn off autopilot and be more intentional in your business
Experience "Divine Leisure" in the midst of your full life
"The guided meditations and prompts from The Daily Nothing were so nourishing! The meditations were short, which made them feel do-able, and the impact transformational— it was just the pause I needed to both experience moments of embodied presence and also perspective shifts that energized the rest of my day."
Kirthi Nath
Filmmaker and Meditation Teacher
"Riikka has created a beautiful program to start each day with quiet, community and curated wisdom. I would recommend highly for anyone looking to reach that next level of creativity, calm and clarity. I felt my energy lighten and revitalize, and experienced important flashes of insight."
June McCrory
Grief Recovery Specialist
“I learned about The Daily Nothing while in the middle of a stressful period in my life – one in which I was also trying to finish a creative project, but felt completely drained of the energy to do it. The things I craved were calm and the focus to continue. Riikka helped me figure out a couple of simple ways to carve out time and bring my attention back to where it needed to be. And, her daily email messages have been right on track with how I have been feeling lately – almost as if she could read my mind. They are such perfect bits of inspiration and reminders to take the time to experience them. I have a feeling I will continue to practice The Daily Nothing long after the 30 days are complete.”
Stormy Sweitzer, PhD
"The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time."
– Mary Oliver
In 2012 I heard a voice. I was having a very frustrating day. I had lost all belief in myself. This used to be a common theme in my life. I felt like I had nothing to offer to this world – the world that was already so full of everything. As a matter of fact, that morning, I closed my computer lid with force and yelled: “I have nothing to offer!” And that’s when I heard the voice. The voice said: “Offer nothing. Go for a hike and find a name for it.” I ignored the voice – I thought I was going crazy. I heard it again. After hearing it the third time, I realized I’m being guided. I went for a hike and three days later The Daily Nothing was born.
When nothing works ... do nothing.
Hope you join me.